MWM has provided commercial audit training for various agencies, including Pacific Gas and Electric in 4 California locations (San Francisco, Stockton, Chico, and San Jose) over the past few years. The most recent trainings in Southern Nevada Water Authority in 2019; Arizona Municipal Water Users (AMWUA), AWWA Pacific Northwest Section,and Fort Collins in 2018; Gilbert, AZ focusing on cooling tower efficiency in September 2017 and the Monterey Peninsula Water District/California American Water. The class includes a section on recycled water and rainwater capture.
MWM can provide the following:
- One (1) or more days hands-on training of instruction at a selected site. We assume half of the instruction time will be dedicated to classroom training and half dedicated to hands-on water audit instruction.
- All site and attendee coordination and logistics associated with the training as needed, including site support, outreach, attendee sign-up, sign-in, copies of training materials/handouts, compilation of attendee feedback forms, etc.
- Aspects of the training in webinar format exclusively or in combination with an in-person training. MWM’s training materials are modular such that they could be conducted via a webinar series.
- Coordinate with the training locations (for in-person trainings) to facilitate access to restrooms with multiple toilets, urinals and faucets (such that the class can test the fixtures), a kitchen and a small amount of landscaping for hands-on training purposes.
- Training material content in the form of MS PowerPoint slides and electronic reference materials arranged by technology type. MWM materials can be selectively reduced or enhanced to accommodate the training format and length containing the most relevant information for the attendees.
- Audit kits for in-class use and a list of what simple items attendees can bring with them (stop watch timers, pens, note paper, laptop computers, measuring containers, etc.)
- Introduction and Background (the need for auditing, auditing process, etc.)
- Toilets, Urinals, Showers, Faucets
- Landscape – can be brief, if preferred
- Kitchens
- Staff Training, Cleaning Practices and Business Messaging
- Cooling Towers
- Pools and Laundry
- Water Audit Data Results Reporting
- Cost Savings Payback Analysis

- City of Santa Barbara (7-day field training: marina, laundry facility, hotels, retirement community)
- Army Corps of Engineers (4-day field training: army base)
- Honolulu Board of Water Supply (2-day field training: large hotel)
- Abbotsford, Canada (3-day field training: large industrial food processing, agriculture)
- Cambria Services District (4-day field training: restaurant, hotels)
- San Luis Obispo County (2-day field training: grocery stores, golf course, hotel resort)
- Stanford University (6 days in the field, over 3 trips: turf and landscape areas)
- State of Illinois Community Colleges, hosted by Lewis and Clark Community College (2-day field training: cooling tower, laboratory, pool, kitchens, restrooms)

- Pacific Gas and Electric (8 separate 1-day classes: small and medium business training for over 250 attendees given in San Francisco, Stockton, Chico, San Jose, CA)
- Monterey Peninsula Water District/California American Water (3-day training: large conference center)
- Peer to Peer Conference Trainings (2 half-day trainings: 2 hotels in San Francisco)
- San Jose Water (10-day training: 9 cooling towers, tower-only audit at large Silicon Valley plant, schools, large church complex, concert hall, City of San Jose Convention Center, San Jose Environmental Innovations Center, medical offices)
- City of Santa Barbara and Carpinteria, CA (3-day field training: hotels, brewery, high technology silicone adhesive manufacturer, large private boarding school campus)
- Arizona Municipal Water Utility Association (3-day field training: very large resorts with conference and banquet facilities, water parks; 2-day field training: grocery store, high school)

- City of Gilbert, AZ (2-day field training: cooling towers)
- San Diego Gas and Electric (1-day training: small and medium business)
- Pacific Northwest/Oregon (3-day field training: resort, large hotel, City park landscape)

- Fort Collins Utilities, CO (3-day field training: hospital, Colorado State University, microchip manufacturer)

- Southern Nevada Water Authority, (3-day field training: athletics center, office complex, and restaurant)